Optimising Your Website For Voice Search

While your search engine optimisation or SEO efforts are working, you can increase your appeal to mobile users by added voice search.

You may wonder why adding voice search is so important. Well, the truth is that today nearly 60% of internet users access the web through mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets.

Mobile users tend to rely on voice search to find what they want instead of a keypad. Plus, Google is switching to mobile-first indexing which makes it imperative that you switch to a more mobile-friendly approach. Installing a voice search will help, but it takes more than just putting in the programming.

The first step is to make your content as mobile-friendly as possible. This means using Google’s mobile-friendly test tools and improving the download speed of your site for mobile users. This is a good place to start because it not only works for those on smartphones and tablets but improves the user experience for those on desktops and laptops.

Adding Google Actions: Through Google Assistant, you can add actions to your website which will make the interface for voice search even more productive. This means adding quick commands, accessing different parts of your site, or adding games to entertain while visitors are there. Google Assistant will walk you through step-by-step in setting up actions that through your app will have your website very voice search friendly, so you can succeed with mobile users.

Improve Security: All non-HTTPS sites will be considered non-secure by Google in Chrome browsers starting in July 2018. Consider the popularity of Chrome browsers, it would pay to ensure that your website is using HTTPS.

Use Conversational Keywords: You’ll need to optimise your SEO using the conversational keywords more commonly used on mobile sites. This will mean you will need to do the following;

  • Create FAQs Page
  • Your Product Pages will need Questions Added for Greater Clarity
  • Find Popular Questions about Your Products using Question Samurai, StoryBase, or Answer the Public

how to optimise for voice search on your websiteIf you run a brick and mortar business and appeal primarily to the local community, then you’ll need to add phrases like “near me” to your keywords. Plus, a Google My Business listing will help people find you as well.

Use Social Media: If you do not have a strong presence on social media, like Facebook, Instagram, or Snapchat, then you’ll need to do so quickly. This will help improve your standing with your customers and boost your SEO efforts.

Improve Content: Because you are appealing to mobile users, your content needs to be snappy, direct, and brimming with good information. You can also make long-form content to look like an expert in your field.

If you do these things, your website will be fully optimised for voice search which will only add to its usefulness for mobile users. You can press the advantage by ensuring that your site is fast to download and easy to navigate using the voice search process.