What To Include On Your Website Homepage

There are many key elements you can place on your homepage to increase traffic to other pages and create engagement with visitors.

With the right placements you can avoid overcrowding your page and present an eye catching and precise flow of information.

Your Business Logo

Having your logo visible on your homepage is important because it is one of the main things a visitor is going to remember about your brand. Keep it simple and avoid extras like animated features

Heat map tracing tools have shown that a logo is most interacted with in the top left of a page.

Ideally, this is where you will place your logo as a reasonable size and with as little distractions and clutter surrounding it as possible. Your logo represents you, setting the tone for your professionalism as a business.

Pages Menu

Keep your website organised with pages. You will want your pages to be clearly descriptive for easy navigation. With that in mind, do not offer too many options as this will get overwhelming or confusing for the visitor.

A distinctly noticeable menu page will be important for steering visitors to the right information. Although we are all familiar with the 3-line hamburger style menu button, it is often missed if not accompanied by clear text stating “MENU”.

The Hero Shot

The web-lingo, “Hero Shot”, is referring to the main image on your homepage. This is the most important image because it is the first thing the visitor sees when arriving at your page.

This image should be a clear message of what you have to offer and setting the tone to the kind of experience they should expect. Are you a food blogger, or a tech page? Is it calm and cool, or bright and fun?

Blend your image as an extension of your page’s header for a seamlessly attractive look.

An Attractive Headline

This is the most important bit of text on your website. The headline of your page cleverly states what your website has to offer or what you do as a business. Try wording it with appeal to the audience in mind. Make sure they see the value in it.

Take this as an opportunity for placing keywords that work into your SEO. Make your connections to any off-site advertisements.

A Call-To-Action

By providing a call-to-action (CTA) on your homepage is how you can invite visitors to take their experience a step forward. This is asking them to be included in an experience.

This can be as simple as the “Explore More” option, “Order Now” or “Sign Up Here”. Pair your action words with the value of clicking. Create (action) your free account (the value). The more creative you can get the more inviting it sounds.

By building your Call-to-Action button into your Hero Shot it will provide a clear and easy entry for a visitor to take the next step without having to scroll any further.

What To Include On Your Website Homepage 2

Intro Snippet

What better way to let people know what you’re about than with an inviting introduction statement. Keep this piece short and informative, and can lead into an “About” page for people wanting more information.

Start the conversation with your visitors about what you do that will benefit them and why they can relate to you and your business.

In this text include your keywords and some internal links for curious visitors to follow.

Portfolio Sneak-Peak

Directing potential customers to your portfolio is a key step. Many people are attracted by visuals. Use this space for images showcasing your available products or examples of your capabilities with the services you provide.

Capture the buyer or subscriber’s attention with a combination of your best and most relevant work and a description of what to expect.

Even just a preview on your home page can get a potential customer or employer to follow through and click for more. The more they explore your pages the better.

Your Relevant Blog Posts

Putting previews of recent and relevant blog posts on your homepage will create opportunities to increase engagement with viewers eager to make the next click. Hopefully, leading to some subscribers to the email list.

The formula is to share the title, preview of the text and an enticing image followed by a “Read More” option.

Social Proof

Social proof is the testimonials and certification seals that prove your credibility in the public eye. This can be displayed on your page with:

  • Testimonials
  • Ratings and Reviews
  • Press Mentions
  • Certification Seal Logos

Subscription and Email Lists

There is an extensive list of options for email list invitations. Third party programming can include pop-ups, fly-ins or classic headers and footers, making for a flashy invite to follow your updates and posts.

For a simple approach, a static box for subscribing placed in the header, footer or a sidebar of the page is still an effective method for visitors who want to join.

Making this option clear is important because it is how you will bring people back to your page.

Search Function

A personal favorite is when a website with a lot of content has a search option. Your search bar will help encourage traffic to the rest of your website with the ease of access to find exactly what a user is wanting to see. As well, a repeat visitor can always find their favorite content, product or article again. Hopefully to share!

An Offer

Offers are great if your website is to sell a product, service or subscription. Entice users to give your products a try with a discount or trial experience.

You can offer it as soon as a visitor lands on your page, and again when they have looked at your product.

Offers can be coupon codes, waived fees for signing up, or even a free product to help get them started!