Website Speed

Website speed, often referred to as site performance or site speed, is a critical factor in the user experience of a website.

It can directly impact its visibility in search engine results. It refers to how quickly a website and its pages load when users access them. Slow loading times can frustrate users, leading to higher bounce rates, lower user engagement, and potentially lost revenue.

Several elements can influence website speed, including the server’s performance, the size and optimisation of images and other content, the use of cache, the efficiency of the site’s code, and more. Therefore, improving website speed often involves a range of strategies, such as using a reliable hosting service, optimising images, minimising HTTP requests, leveraging browser caching, and employing a content delivery network (CDN).

Google and other search engines consider website speed when ranking sites, recognising that users prefer fast-loading websites. As a result, a faster website not only provides a better user experience but can also improve your site’s SEO, increasing visibility and driving more organic traffic.

Under the ‘Website Speed’ tag, you’ll find a plethora of resources aimed at helping you understand and improve your website’s speed. From articles exploring the importance of site speed and its impact on SEO to practical guides on website speed optimisation techniques and reviews of speed testing tools, these resources are invaluable for anyone looking to boost their website’s performance and enhance user experience.

10 Things People Get Wrong About SEO search engine optimisation

10 Things People Get Wrong About SEO

When starting up a website, many people are confronted with the marketing strategy called Search Engine Optimisation or SEO. While implementing SEO is easy and …

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