
Minimalism is a design philosophy that’s all about simplicity, functionality and getting rid of the fluff.

Based on the idea of “less is more” minimalism can be applied to many areas from architecture and art to web design and everyday life.

In design minimalism is about using the basic visual elements; basic shapes, monochromatic colour palettes and clean typography. Minimalist designs are simple and clear, often with uncluttered layouts that let the content be the hero. It gets rid of everything that doesn’t contribute to the functionality and results in websites and interfaces that are easy to use and get the message across with impact.

Minimalism isn’t just about design; it’s about prioritising quality over quantity in many areas of life. By getting rid of the clutter – both physical and mental – minimalism means more clarity, contentment and focus. This way of thinking leads to more intentional decision making and a clearer path to what really matters.

Under the ‘Minimalism’ tag you’ll find a host of resources and articles covering many areas. These may include tutorials on minimalist web design, articles on the benefits of minimalist websites, tips on simplifying and decluttering your site and more.